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Digital Inclusion: Necessary or Preference?

Digital Inclusion: Necessary or Preference?


The use of technology is increasing day by day, we all depend on technology and we use multifarious technologies to complete successfully specific tasks in our lives. It does not matter who you are, what you are doing, how you are doing… Different age range people have different ties with technology but everybody has a tie with a connected world. So this relation, is that necessary or preference? This is the question.
Technology and digital media can be a great tool to help to reach out and touch the other people. In this way, people can spread their message or trouble a very huge platform. As Julien Maldonate said  “Social media removes all distances: geographic, social, and hierarchical. You can reach anyone, at any time, and communicate in real time. Thus, a permanent link of communication has been created.” [1]

Srebrenica Genocide (more about Srebrenica) times Bosnian people didn’t have social media for the rising voice but now Syrian people using Twitter for showing Aleppo massacre to all of the world. To be honest the results did not change. At least we could hear this voice. (tweet from Syrian girl)

Devices offer to the world, with bad things and good things. Technology has countless hats. One of them is a very functioning tool for education. For example in Turkey: ‘’FATİH Project’’ developed by Ministry of Education. Project long form name is ‘’Increase Opportunities and Enhance to Technology Movement’’. FATIH Project in Education was launched with the purpose of providing equal opportunities in education and improving the technology in schools in a way that informatics technology tools to engage more senses in the educational process.

The first step is offering a free tablet computer for every student. When the project completed, information society will be able to found. At the same time, using technology will be a tool for education. Indeed it means that differences between village schools and city schools hoped to disappear after Fatih Project. Then we can say the new generation will become much more ties with the information.
Let’s move to one of the bad things which are offered by technology. In fact, there are many things. But I just want to
underline that technology is one tool for the terrorist organization like ISIS, PKK, etc. For instance, ISIS is the biggest terrorist organization as a great user of technology.

At its core, ISIS has taken advantage of what people in Silicon Valley call the network effect.’’[2] ISIS has thousand of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube accounts. This means that ISIS is working everywhere people are. ISIS collecting our data, documents and what we did. Moreover, one of the biggest film studios in the world is controlled by ISIS for promoting their horrific jobs.
Without a doubt, technology affects our lives directly. Neither without it nor completely with it. When measured and used correctly, it can become one of the most effective tools in our lives. There is one thing I know very well, tomorrow we will use technology much more than yesterday.

[1] Is Technology Making Our Lives Easier… Or Just Adding More Stress? By Julia Bellak link
[2] How ISIS became the world’s deadliest tech start-up, By Nick Bilton link

Using digital media for e-diplomacy:  visit my latest interview with Dutch Consul General in Istanbul 

Recommending: Black Mirror 3rd Season, 1.Episode


Be a Digital Native


[1] Is Technology Making Our Lives Easier… Or Just Adding More Stress? By Julia Bellak link

[2] How ISIS became the world’s deadliest tech start-up, By Nick Bilton link


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