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EU Cybersecurity Act

EU Cybersecurity Act


13 September 2017 Commission adopted Cybersecurity package. ENISA was founded by 10 March 2004, the mandate of ENISA will expire in 2020.

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security –ENISA- is the core element of an EU Cyber resilience framework. With this package:

  • Mitigate problems such as the fragmentation of policies and approaches to cybersecurity across Member states
  • Establishing EU Cybersecurity Agency
  • EU Certification framework will ensure the trustworthiness of billions of devices (Internet of Things) which drive today’s critical infrastructures, such as energy and transport networks, and new consumer devices, such as connected cars.
  • Ensure secure cyberspace in the European Union
  • Proposed mandate seeks to give the Agency a stronger and more central role
  • Supporting member states in implementing the Directive on the security of network and information system (NIS9
  • Counter particular threats more actively (operational capacity) (effectively preventing and responding to cyber-attacks)
  • Becoming a center of expertise supporting member states and the Commission on cybersecurity certification.

At present, a number of different security certification schemes for ICT products exist in the EU. The Cybersecurity Agency would also help put in place and implement the EU-wide certification framework.


On 27 November 2017, the ITRE committee held a public hearing on the issue, and on 27 February 2018, the rapporteur had a meeting with experts and the European Commission. On 24 March 2018, there was an exchange of views on the proposal at the ITRE committee.  On 27 March 2018, the committee draft report was published and on 23 April 2018, there was the consideration of the draft report at the ITRE committee. On 30 April 2018, the amendments tabled in committee were published.

On 14 February 2018, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted its opinion on the proposal, where it supports it and asks the European Commission to consider a number of additional recommendations. The Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) Committee adopted its report on 10 July 2018, with 56 votes in favor, 5 against and with 1 abstention. The first trilogue took place on 13 September 2018, the second on 1 October, the third on 5 November, the fourth on 22 November and the fifth on 10 December 2018.

During the last trilogue, a compromise was reached. The deal will be put to the ITRE meeting on 14 January 2019 for approval.

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